Salamun Alaykum and welcome to the Month of Ramadhan Darsa Page! Here you will find updates from the Darsa team on various elements of their program this year.

Boys & Girls Darsa Registration

Registration for Darsa for boys and girls is now open via the ‘Darsa App’. Parents for all students, new and returning, must uninstall and re-install the app as there have been upgrades.

Click here for a detailed guide on on how to register your child via the app.

Boys Darsa - Rules & Regulations

Learn more about Darsa Attendance, how Year of Birth is calculated and see details on Competitions (Recitation, Memorization and Marks on App) by clicking below.

Please note the following contact information for any questions:
Boy’s Darsa & Competition –
Girl’s Darsa –
Girl’s Competition –

​The Girls and Boys Darsa are joining hands and holding a “Toy Collection “ for our underprivileged children on Friday the 25th of May and Saturday the 26th of Mayduring Darsa time . All toys will be distributed through RCAH. Please note toys will only be accepted on those two evenings.
Click on the poster for more details