Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to the registration form for your daughter for March 2018. Please note the following:

Retreat Dates: 14 – 16 March, 2018
Fees: $245.00
Location: Hidden Acres, New Hamburg, Ontario

In the event if you have to cancel the registration of your daughter due to sickness, family emergency or any other cause, you and the Retreat team will try to get a substitute registrant. Upon receiving the payment from the substitute, ALI/JTB will refund 90% of registration fees. However, if no substitute is found then you will receive a refund of only 50%; this is to recover for Retreat charges that ALI/JTB pays in advance.

The participants are not allowed to bring IPod, IPad, or cell phones, cameras or any other electronics, nor they are allowed to take pictures without the permission of the Retreat Admin.

The Academy for Learning Islam and Jaffari Tabligh Board are not responsible for any misuse of pictures taken by the participants without their knowledge and permission.

Upon completing the registration, you will be redirected to PayPal to pay registration fees ($245.00) for the retreat. Your registration will be complete once fees have been paid successfully.

We have now reached maximum capacity for registration.